Relationships Worth More Than Money Podcast

Crafting Connections: Behind the Scenes of 'When Bosses Meet'

Tweezy Kennedy Season 1 Episode 15

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Ever found yourself yearning for a creative community that truly understands the grind? My brother Kadeem and I, Tweezy, sat down to reflect on the magic that transpired during "When Bosses Meet," an event designed to bring together creative minds in a space bursting with opportunity. This isn't just your run-of-the-mill networking gig; we're talking an electrifying blend of photographers, models, and visionaries all converging to ignite their online presence and amplify their brands, without the staggering costs typically associated with such creative endeavors.

Strap in for a storytelling ride where tales of perseverance intertwine with practical wisdom. I pull back the curtain to share how my Marine Corps experiences have been a game-changer in navigating the civilian creative world, from honing problem-solving prowesses to understanding the value of a tightly knit network. These gatherings are more than just flashbulbs and fancy poses; they're breeding grounds for upskilling, featuring upcoming workshops that promise to polish your craft, whether you're posing for the camera or capturing the moment.

As we look ahead, the horizon is dotted with anticipation for the expansion of our event series. Kadeem and I lay out the blueprint for longer, more inclusive experiences that cater to the overwhelming interest and diversity of our community. We banter about keeping "Jungle Juice" at bay to maintain productivity, all while maintaining that the true currency of success lies in the connections we forge rather than the dollars we earn. So, if you're ready to be part of a creative revolution and network with the best in the biz, this recap will give you a glimpse into the heart of what makes "When Bosses Meet" an unmissable phenomenon.

Relationships Worth More Than Money by Tweezy Kennedy & Marcus Alland
available on all streaming platforms!

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Speaker 1:

All right, dog. So look, got the recap, the recap when bosses meet three. But before anything, I need all of y'all to go out there, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, like comment, share to relationships worth more than money. Man, y'all know who this is. Man, I'm Tweezy To my left, I got my brother Kadeem, and, man, we just going to chop it up about the whole extravagant event that we just had over the weekend. How you feel about it, bro?

Speaker 2:

Man, I don't know, man, I felt crazy about it over the past week. Well, first let me start by saying man, one, I appreciate you for coming through and doing the podcast. It kind of added just some extra sauce to the event. That was kind of unexpected. Two, I just want to give a shout out to everybody who came Because, man, everybody came, they showed out, act up. It was just a bomb event, man. And honestly, man, I've been feeling overwhelmed a little bit. Man, like you know how, when you plan for something, you think it's going to go a certain way or what have you. But this time, like, I had it in my mind that it was going to go a certain way, but I didn't know it was going to go that. Good, right, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

So I was like overwhelmed with excitement. You know what I mean. Like it truly kind of just blew my mind, man. I'm just thankful that so many people believed in what I presented to them, because it's hard to get people to kind of kind of believe in, like the vision that you have you know what I'm saying and for so many people to to go out their way and I had a couple of photographers I think one of the photographers that was there even like he canceled a photo shoot just to come to that Joe and and you know I just met him over social media so for people to be able to do that, go out of their way to come. I had people come from out of town, all kind of stuff. So that just was a big blessing, man. So I'm extremely happy, I'm extremely blessed, I'm proud and I'm thankful for everybody that came.

Speaker 1:

Man, yeah, so a lot of people like been looking. Of course you know we've been posting. Shout out again. Shout out to everybody Photographers, videographers, creative directors, food vendor, Quick Cuisines, JJ, everybody that came. I don't think people know exactly what when Bosses Meet is, because they see it and they just think, oh, it's a photo shoot. Nah, Nah, man, Explain it man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so the Boss Meet is an event where photographers, models, videographers, content creators, business owners can all come together under one roof and be able to create content for social media purposes, even if they're doing it for their website, their portfolios, all that good stuff, man. It's just a place where everybody can come together, collab, make some amazing content, use it to their advantage for whatever their business is, and be able to just do that and come together and not have to spend so much money. You know what I'm saying, because I know a lot of these models paying for photographers. Man like myself, the prices are not as cheap as they used to be and vice versa, like, sometimes photographers want to work with certain models and stuff like that, and what they charge isn't feasible for their pockets. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

So it's just one big collaboration where everybody can get together, create content and you don't have to spend so much money doing it, man. And it's a networking event also, which is one of the best things about it, and it just gives everybody a boost that they really need sometimes, especially the people that's kind of struggling to figure out social media and stuff like that sometimes, especially the people that's kind of struggling to figure out social media and stuff like that. When you come to one of the boss meets like everybody collabs together, then that push after the event like we was just talking about before the camera cut on that push after the event kind of just increases everybody's engagement. Man, it explodes your engagement.

Speaker 2:

So that's what it's about man just getting together and just producing some amazing content.

Speaker 1:

How did you come about? When Bosses Meet? Because, bro, our minds are creative minds just flowing every day. We always got ideas that we come up with, me and you shooting ideas to each other. How did this come about?

Speaker 2:

Man, honestly, when I first like when me and you was doing Simple Fresh real heavy, I was kind of just peeping a lot of stuff that was going on. And then when I picked up the camera because of Simple Fresh, I just started thinking like one I was spending money, doing everything. You know what I mean. And then that time when we paid that photographer and we didn't like the results and stuff like that, that's when it first started clicking in my head Like man, I want to do something where people don't have to pay so much and they can get some good content out of it. And then I ended up going to a street meet. Shout out to Street Meet DC. Yeah, that was dope. I think we went to the first one.

Speaker 1:

I think that was one of the first ones that we went to.

Speaker 2:

So I went to the Street Meat and I thought that was very amazing. But then I was thinking to myself, like a few weeks later I saw another one I think it's like Portrait Meat DC or something like that and I was like like man, everybody doing this stuff outdoors like, um, sometimes a lot of times in the dmv the weather is crazy and it changes, yeah, bipolar, and it changes so quick, and then a lot of times it's too hot, the models be sweating, uh, stuff like that. Sometimes it's too cold, people don't want to come out. So I was like man, I want to do something where everybody can come together indoors and just kind of enjoy working with each other and networking and collabing, and so that's just kind of how it all came about from that first street meet that we went to.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now other question how do you choose the locations?

Speaker 2:

Man, that's the hard part. So at first I started off trying to use Airbnb. But the issue I was facing with Airbnb was they wasn't allowing more than like 10 to 15 guests, you know what I'm saying. So, and for the, for the boss meets, like I wanted to be um at minimum like a 25, you know what I'm saying. So then I started looking into peer space, which is where I held the first two um, when bosses meets events, uh, so that. So that was awesome. And then this last one, jj, our event sponsor. He found one on dang he going to be. Was it Bird Bowl? Yeah, no, no, it's like home. I think it's like homestudiocom or something like that. So it's just like Peer Space, but it's for homeowners that want to rent their homes out and allow, allow people to have, like parties, engagements and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

So that's where we found this one, that and yeah, so, but peer spaces is has been the main spot. And then, uh, we use home studio and and hopefully on this next one um, just telling jj the other day like we, we trying to look into getting a mansion that we can use and that's going to be crazy.

Speaker 1:

That's going to be crazy, yeah for sure. Yeah. So we got the why started. We got how you select the locations. The third thing is for people that's been, I know, people been watching, people been asking how can they get into these events.

Speaker 2:

Well, first, the main thing they can do is follow me shopbythe__boss, Follow me on Instagram, because I always post about the events. I try to start posting about it at least a month and a half, two months ahead of time, but I mean anytime you see me posting about it. All you got to do is just shoot me a DM. I'm always explaining everything when I post about the events and I always let people know. This is how it's going to work, this is how you can contact me. This is how you can get on the list to get in. So just follow my social media, especially my stories. So that's the main thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, these events, man, like if you're an introvert, if you're an extrovert, but mainly the introverts, I think this brings the extrovert out of you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it does. I think we've even extrovert out of you. Yeah, you know what I mean, I think it does.

Speaker 1:

I think we've even seen that with a couple of people that was there Because, like, some of them came in and they were like, oh, people are undressed, yeah. Like, oh, what do I do? Where do I go change? Yeah, but the extroverts were the ones that was like, oh, this would be a dope spot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Like nobody.

Speaker 1:

I never thought somebody would be shooting in a laundry room, but every room Was decorated, was decorated. It had some type of ambiance to it, man, that it was like oh, this is going to be a fire shoot, this is going to be the fire shoot, and that's the dope part about it. It's like everybody didn't know each other, yeah for sure I can count on one hand, how many people I knew in there?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the other people that I met there were either you know, of course civilians or Marines, or military. Yeah, I thought it was dope, but that's the whole thing, bro. It's like it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

Like what type of person? What type of person?

Speaker 1:

what color Like? Come, let's have some fellowship and let's network. You know what I mean. Let's work. Oh, you do this on the side. Oh bet. Oh, you need music. Oh, I produce. You know what I?

Speaker 2:

mean. And then we also had the creative director there, my homegirl, erica. Shout out to Erica, she did a phenomenal job. Follow her on Instagram too, ibang. So she did a phenomenal job working with the ladies and making them feel comfortable and stuff like that. And yeah, man, anybody's, anybody's welcome. And the atmosphere is always so dope because I try to invite people that I know for sure are good people and that got a good head on their shoulders and it's not gonna tear up nobody's place or anything like that Right right.

Speaker 2:

So, but everybody made everybody feel comfortable, and that's the main spot.

Speaker 1:

And the main part, the lady, was Jewel Marlowe right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, definitely follow her.

Speaker 1:

Follow Jewel Marlowe. I looked at her page. She got over 40K Followers and she really does Do the interior design.

Speaker 2:

The interior decorating. She don't play around, she's nasty with it. Yeah, she's super good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I seen on her page she had like you know how we go to like Sneaker Con and NAMM For like music. They had like A con I don't know what it was Actually called, but it was like For home decorating, yup, and she was like Interviewing what it was actually called. But it was like for home decorating Yep, and she was like interviewing and talking to a lot of different people. That was big names. I think I was like, yeah, this is super dope for us to find.

Speaker 2:

You know what was crazy about her as well, or about the place, her place, that we was in. So all of that stuff that was in, the majority of everything that was in there, like, especially like all of the chandeliers, all of the lamps, the lighting and all of that, all of that stuff is donated to her because of how good she does her job. So a lot of these big businesses donate different things to her so she can present it to the public and kind of, you know, grow their business kind of like ambassador work.

Speaker 2:

So all of that stuff was donated to her, which is even more of her work paying off.

Speaker 1:

And that's the thing man is. For everybody that's out there. It's like you got to start somewhere. You got to start from the bottom and work your way up. Oh yeah, you know what I mean, and I think, with the models, the videographers, the photographers, everybody, you starting somewhere, and why not start with us? You know what I mean? Because that's when bosses meet. It's a capstone, I feel like it is.

Speaker 1:

It's a capstone for whatever you need to get to. However, you need to get there, it's a capstone because somebody's in there has the authority and position to let you level up. You know what I mean. And man, I'm just when bosses meet four.

Speaker 2:

That job going to be crazy, crazy. You know it's funny you say that too. That was something that really made me feel good. I was telling my wife about it, like that's one thing that really made me feel good. I was telling my wife about it Like that's one thing that really made me feel good about the event is walking around and I was hearing those conversations especially the ladies that was there of them Like oh, you do this, like I didn't know, you do this, like blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

I've been trying to reach this person, I've been trying to do this, and then I heard I even heard one conversation with a group of ladies talking about real estate and stuff like that and how to save money and all of that. So, and in the future, as I go further with the event, one of the big things that I want to hit on too is actually having kind of workshops at the event when we get bigger spaces, kind of like when I used to go with you to the events that you go to for your music, you know, and they used to have those rooms where you can go in there and network with the amazing producer and stuff like that. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So hopefully I can get some extremely good photographers in the building that could do some workshops, teach a couple of classes about Premiere Pro or Photoshop or Lightroom and stuff like that, and even with the models, have a certain room where we get some really good models in there and that can kind of teach some pose and way to pose, way to walk and things like that. So it's definitely going to keep building and I got a lot of things in my mind that I'm working on and hopefully can come, can come into play.

Speaker 1:

It definitely will, man, because, like JJ said, there's six degrees of separation. Man, somebody knows somebody.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a good way to put it. The way.

Speaker 1:

We keeping the recycling. We're recycling knowledge to everybody and it's going around in a circle. Everybody's putting in their knowledge and it's getting bigger. Yeah, you know what I mean. It's expanding and I think, Networking man. Yeah, Everything, everything Matter of fact. Rod asked me a question and I'm going to ask you the same thing Do you think that the Marine Corps helped you with your creativity and do you think it helped handle situations outside of the Marine Corps? Now that you were, you're a civilian.

Speaker 2:

Man, 100%. Uh, remember our first deployment to Iraq and we was and, uh, it used to be so hot out there. We used to put the water bottle inside of a wet sock tied up on the bottom of the truck, because that was the only place that was shady. Yeah, and that's how we would drink cool water out there, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah put that tied up on a mirror, tied up on a mirror, but a lot of them things that we experienced in the Marine Corps from being bored, from not having a lot of material and products where we can access it. You know what I'm saying. So a lot of that creativity came from the Marine Corps, for sure.

Speaker 2:

A lot and being able to adapt in any place. But yeah, even with the works, even on the job, these civilian jobs, I didn't realize how much the military prepares you for getting one of these really good civilian jobs. You know what I mean, whether it be government, whether it be contract work, whatever man, because in the military you do so many different things within your MOS and it prepares you for almost anything when you step into the civilian world. You just got a full bundle of experience and expertise in so many different areas, so most definitely 100%.

Speaker 1:

It's like the bundle packs, like we've been. We've been for either music or video and photography.

Speaker 1:

It is a bottom fact for sure because it's definitely man, and the dope part about that I've learned from you, man is is uh, this, this thing that we're doing is the same thing. It just has a focal point that it keys on ie photography, videography it's the picture. Like, what can you bring out of the picture? Right, when I do music, it's focusing on the picture. Same thing, but it's the actual artist that's painting the picture, because, as a producer, we're painting one picture on what we think it's going to look like, but you need that artist to put their overlay on it. Yeah, you get what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's kind of like the same thing and I was just thinking about that like because man thing, and I was just thinking about that like cause man, he was asking me questions every time about music and he was like bro, this joint seem like the same kind of concept and it is and when you put them together, it's like man, it's like you unstoppable. We got music, we got photography, we got video, we got podcast. Like what else do you need you?

Speaker 2:

know what I'm saying, like, like we got it all.

Speaker 1:

It's a one-stop shop. And I think it's super dope, man, because, like I seen, you take what we learned from the Marine Corps, we put it into our business with the clothing, then we put it into our own individual things that we love to do and like. And it was crazy because I'll never forget that day, bro, we was in that shoot convention and she was messing it all up Just bad. You know what I mean. And then when we seen the outcome of the photos oh man, those photos was terrible man.

Speaker 1:

I'm like yo and it's like you just automatically took into all right.

Speaker 2:

I delegated you delegated.

Speaker 1:

now it's time to just take control, you know what I'm saying and that's where adaption comes from.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's that push-pull effect, man.

Speaker 1:

And you right, man, we definitely took everything from the Marine Corps and our families you know what I'm saying and just turned it into our way of maneuvering and movement, and I think that's the dope part of this whole event and the way we move in life, man, and everything at the event is positive.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man, there's never any negatives Never Anything Haven't had, not one negative. And that's pretty cool too, man. That's something that I'm proud to say so far, and I hope it continues to be that way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no disrespect, no, nothing, man, because we don't have security, but I'm paying A lot of it though we're in the military. So I don't think you want to do that. Yeah, man, I just want to do that. But yeah, man, I just want to give a shout out to the Trolls, cause I had a troll. You get more than me. I had a couple, I had a troll.

Speaker 1:

Already Trying to go at Nina and her friends On her post About the women in the Marine Corps. I was like Yo, you sound Retarded. Yeah, don't get me wrong, you did four years If you didn't, or not Four the women in the Marine Corps. I was like yo, you sound retarded. Yeah, don't get me wrong, you did four years, if you didn't or not. Four years in the Marine Corps, or four years in any military branch Amazing, it's amazing. Yeah, but you got us 10, 11, 12, some 14, some 20, however long they been there. Yeah, so that experience, you, however long they been there. So that experience. You might not have seen it because you might have been stuck at Quantico driving buses.

Speaker 2:

You know what.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying so you don't know what the real rancor is like. So yeah, man, I just wanted to hit a shout out to them trolls, good old.

Speaker 2:

shout out to the trolls man. Shout out to the trolls man. Y'all stay out of my face and Please, man.

Speaker 1:

I be trying to be respectful as possible, man, because I don't think they want Corporal.

Speaker 2:

Kennedy yeah, they don't want to.

Speaker 1:

They don't want to see Corporal Kennedy because Sergeant Kennedy was dope.

Speaker 2:

A lot of them jokers be deflecting their own insecurities and their own whatever they got going on in their life that's bad and things that they hated about themselves and the military themselves. So I don't even pay no attention, no more. As soon as I see it, I delete it and block it in, and that's the bottom line Facts and that go y'all three minutes of fame.

Speaker 1:

Right there, we gave y'all three minutes of fame for the trolls. There you go. Yeah, man, let's get back to it. I have I got a lot of questions, man, because it's so much that goes on in this event, how long does it take you to prep one of these events?

Speaker 2:

Man, it takes to prep well, to be well prepared for it, at least about a month and a half, like at least you know what I mean. But like right now, man, I'm already looking for a place for the next one. So I'm going to start trying to prep even earlier because I know every time it gets bigger it's going to require more prep. You know what I'm saying. But this last one was about almost about two months and we was able to get everything together that we needed. You know, I reached out to a couple of people like you and a couple of other folks to kind of help with certain things and it all came together just like I expected it to. So usually about two months is probably a good time frame to get everything together. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, so two months. I know this next one is probably going to take more than that, or it might be too much, because it's. I ain't going to say it's an easy transition, but you got a lot of help. Yeah, at the touch of a button, yeah, man A text message or a call yeah, what do you look forward to next time? Like is it something that you might have missed or you wanted to do when bosses meet three or when you were doing four.

Speaker 2:

So we sent out. Remember, in the Marine Corps we had the what was they like? Heart reports or something like that, the jump that used to tell you the earths, yeah. So after this event, we sent out yeah, we sent out kind of like a questionnaire of things that we can improve and things of that nature, and I read through a couple of them already and some of them I was already thinking of. One, for instance, one thing that I'm looking forward to seeing next time is more time. I think me and you talked about that, getting more time within the space. So I think this one was like what? Six hours, six hours.

Speaker 1:

It felt like two.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it felt like two, because it'd be so fun Time flying when you're having fun, when you're having fun, man. But I think I want to shoot for eight hours instead of six, maybe even ten, but I think eight hours is probably going to be the sweet spot. So I'm looking to have a little bit more time so everybody can be a little bit more comfortable, not rush as much even though it wasn't really rushing, but you kind of feel that way, especially probably more so me just trying to get everybody captured. You know what I'm saying. But time is definitely something that I'm looking forward to. I'm also looking forward to a bigger space. I want it to be a little bit bigger than what we had, because I know more people are going to want to come. They already been DMing me asking I'm looking for more creativity. So this time, if y'all don't know, we did 100 years of fashion. So every model I created a mood board just to kind of set the tone for what they're going to be wearing. Some models had 1930s, 1940s, 1950s and so on and so forth, and seeing what all these models came up with some of them had like five outfits I was blown away. So this time I kind of want to get even more creative you know what I'm saying kind of dig into some creativity and see how crazy we can get with the creativity. So those are the main things that I'm kind of looking forward to.

Speaker 2:

On the next one, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how many more people now are going to be interested in coming, cause you know it's hard, like I said in the beginning, like it's hard getting people to believe in what you got going Right, especially the people that's already got motion in different industries.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying. Like, um, I used to get upset that you know you reach out to some people and they just like kind of don't pay you, no attention. But then I had to realize that you have to work harder you know what I'm saying to be able to catch people attention, especially if they way above you. Like they, they don't want to backwards. You know what I'm saying. And when I get up to a certain status, I don't want to go backwards, I want to keep pushing forward and keep growing my own self. So I just feel I got to work harder and stuff to kind of create a better platform so more people could come. So I'm looking forward to a lot more people coming and a lot more experienced like models and males, like I'm definitely want to get some more males in the building. Looking forward to having some more guys there and showing their style and creativity also.

Speaker 1:

So and that's another thing too man, men, men you know they try to act too cool.

Speaker 2:

Stop acting too cool.

Speaker 1:

They try to act too cool. Cause when y'all see these portraits that these, these photographers and videographers are coming up with and the posts get out there. Y'all be like bruh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Why you?

Speaker 1:

Bro, why you ain't? I said, look man.

Speaker 2:

Nah, y'all be seeing it, y'all just be trying to act too cool, he posts more than me now and I used to be the social media guy.

Speaker 1:

He's the social media guy now. So he posts way more than me and I know y'all see it, because when he posts it, 99% of the time I repost it. So it's like we telling y'all yeah, come out man, you just gotta come out man, and whatever. Whatever the theme is if there's a theme each time which is dope, by the way.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, it'll be a theme every time.

Speaker 1:

Just, bro, just follow the theme. Yeah, because whatever you do, follow it to the t. Be creative though, do your own little twist to it and then boom you in there. Now you can network with whoever male, females, and all of that. And I'm like, bro, stop trying to be, stop trying to be cool. And another thing these events are booked out two, two months in advance. Right, all they gotta do is cancel whatever you got going on for that day, cause a lot of times some, some models, get there late. And I understand life, be lifin'. Yeah, you know what I mean. You got families, but if you plan ahead of time, then you'll be good. You'll be good Because I'm telling you that six hours, I got there at three and was like JJ, was like Tweez, we got like 15 minutes to close up. I said 15 minutes, bro, we just got here, but I'm telling you that time flies by.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it flies by fast.

Speaker 1:

Once you get there, you ain't got to rush. If you get there on time, you don't have to rush. You throw on your outfits every 30 minutes or whatever whatever you can switch to the next outfit and keep it going. But the dope part I like about it, too, is not only are you getting photos, you're getting videos, you're getting reels, everything, man. Reels. You're getting business photos, you're getting your portraits, you're getting your portfolio up Head shots. Anything and these themes Are getting crazy, like From, I think, 1920s to 2000s?

Speaker 2:

Nah, it was, it was 1900, all the way to 2030, cause, remember, we had the future.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she did.

Speaker 2:

Christina did. I love that. What she had 2030 man she did good too.

Speaker 1:

So that's pretty cool. Them drinks fire, and then they changed colors. Yep, it did. I was like I was doing a podcast and I looked like what the yeah?

Speaker 2:

But yeah, man, this joint's super dope man, oh, that's something, at the next one too, that I want to do. I want to rotate. That's another reason why I wanted to kind of do the eight hours. So, instead of the photographers moving around so much, I want them to kind of have their own room, their own section, and then, like every hour and a half, photographers switch rooms and then that way we can keep a smoother rotation of the models just going through. Yeah, you know what I mean. And that way everybody get to shoot in a different area of the house, because even as a photographer, you don't want the same shots in the same room at an event like that, right, because the whole home was so beautiful. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, you fall in love with one spot and just want to sit there, yeah, and then you forget Then after the there.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I want everybody to rotate. I went upstairs and I seen just that red room. I didn't even see all the other rooms because I got to setting up and I was just vibing. You know what. I'm saying that's a great idea to make a circuit. You know what I mean. Have like a little buzzer or something to go off, so everybody know boom switch.

Speaker 2:

That's a good idea. I'm going to have a crazy. That's going to be like switch. Yeah, an air horn or something.

Speaker 1:

What's that joint? Get that joint in there. It's going to be straight. Get that air horn in there. But yeah, man bro, I'm so proud of you man, it's nothing like having like a brother that like been doing it 20 years.

Speaker 2:

yeah, man, we're 20 years in 20 plus now cause it's past January.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's wild. And just keep striving to be great. Yeah, man, we, uh, we got something dope. Man all around, got something dope. The joint moving smooth, no negativity. Um, great man, the vibes is just crazy. Man, yup, the joint moving smooth, no negativity. Great man, the vibes is just crazy. Man, yep, the vibes is crazy. And yeah, man, I think Me personally. I told I don't know if I told Diana this or JJ or Rod During the podcast I think this joint is about to really or JJ or Rod doing a podcast. I think this joint is about to really take off to where it's going to be, not just in the DMV.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that job kind of got me a little nervous, for real, because the messages I've been receiving and stuff is great. I even had a couple people from different states who was like bro, you need to bring that job over here. That's what I'm saying. Somebody just messaged me the other day. It was like you need to come to North Carolina, you need to come to Florida and do one and I was like man, I ain't never even think of that.

Speaker 1:

It's Tara. Shout out to Tara too. Tara, I know she was supposed to come coming again, but she eight months pregnant and I think she's going.

Speaker 2:

I think she's. I hope she don't mind me saying, but I think she's getting induced this week and she's about to have her kid. But she almost made it man for the doctor to tell her that yeah, but yeah, and then Jameson she came from all the way from North Carolina. Who else Dang Miriam? She came from all the way from North Carolina. Who else Dang Miriam? Miriam came from North Carolina. You know what I'm?

Speaker 1:

saying and that was one of my cool leads, bro- yeah, you know what I forgot about that.

Speaker 2:

And then when she got there, y'all started talking. I was like I forgot, y'all knew each other man, small world man.

Speaker 1:

I tell people all the time, man, like I forgot y'all knew each other man, small world. I tell people all the time, man like, the way you treat people is going to always come back to you good or bad?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, full circle.

Speaker 1:

And it's always been good vibes, man, because I always took care of the Marines when I was in. You know what I mean. Yeah, and even civilians, like I don't look at you differently, I just know y'all got a different, y'all operate differently, right? So, yeah, man, just seeing that man, I was like, yo, like.

Speaker 2:

I ain't seen you since boot camp that was crazy.

Speaker 1:

I mean, since you left for boot camp, I might have dropped her off at Mets in Brooklyn. You know what I'm saying Like it's crazy man, her and her brother. Because, her brother joined first and it was just like, see, I didn't even know that. Yeah, her brother joined first. He was in the wing and then she joined like right after I think they were like two, three years apart.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying. It was crazy, man, but they was committed. So it's like seeing that the drill instructors, recruiters you know what I mean officers, everybody's in one space and they all operating like you're supposed to. Yeah, you know what I mean, and that's the dope part about it, man, but always, man, always, always. I appreciate you, bro, Likewise you gave me the opportunity to show the podcast to everybody. Gave me more followers.

Speaker 2:

And that joint ended up being a bomb. Yeah, they really. They loved that joint. Everybody was trying to get on it. I knew it was going to be good, but that's see, that's what I'm saying. That's why a lot of people got to step out and get outside your comfort zone sometimes, because you never know when something's going to shake. You know what I'm saying Exactly. I knew it was going to be good, but when I started seeing how excited people was to sit down and have a conversation on the podcast, I was like bro, that is incredible man.

Speaker 2:

So that was super dope to see. Yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

So don't miss the next one. Nah, when bosses meet four, just stay tuned. Nah, it's going to be crazy. We're going to have the food vendor. We're going to have the videographers, the photographers myself Last time, I think what the first time I was DJing, you know, I'm always doing something you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I don't think, I don't think we can change it from the mimosas. Nah, I think. I think it's gotta be, yeah, yeah, the bottomless, the bottom, I think, I think it's gotta be the same thing every time that's what starts to turn up.

Speaker 1:

man, Everybody getting comfortable. I know some people might need a drink to get comfortable.

Speaker 2:

It's there which I noticed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I noticed a couple of the people was like can I have a drink?

Speaker 2:

I was like man go right ahead and then kind of get the edge off a little bit. So that was cool, but they'll be there. That's going to be the signature right there, signature right there. The bottomless mimosas yeah, we can't change it, we don't need none of that. What's that juice y'all drinking in Detroit? Oh, that Jungle Juice we ain't bringing that.

Speaker 1:

No sir, no sir. Nothing will get done in that juice. Nothing at all.

Speaker 2:

Yep Looking crazy in that juice man we ain't bringing that juice.

Speaker 1:

We ain't going to call that the slizzard thing. Nah, we ain't doing that thing. No, sir, at all man. But like always, man, I appreciate you, bro, this is Relationships Worth More Than Money. To my left is Kadeem, boss of all bosses, shot by the boss, and like that man we out. Relationships Worth More Than Money.

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